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Wednesday 20 January 2021

Education is the key that unlocks all doors

Pupils at Kasese Humanist School - Kahendero

The right to education is one way of combating poverty, ignorance, disease and irrational superstitious beliefs. 

Education opens the gates to success

Education empowers communities

Education allows young and old people to connect with each other.

Education boosts economic development in several ways.

Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world

Education helps humanity to understand false from truth, facts from fiction, Imaginaries from realities.

Education becomes meaningful if it allows the leaners to think for themselves without any strings attached.

Education makes sense when it has no element of indoctrination of any kind.

Education is enjoyable if the learners are given chance of asking as many questions in their attempt to get correct answers.

Some of the Humanist values that we cherish at our schools

Curious minds in education generates better learners who are in better position to make wise decisions in life.

Education connects communities, nations and continents through human interractions and connections

At Kasese Humanist School we offer a balanced education that aims at generating an all round generation that will build up a better Uganda.

With Science, we can progress

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