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Monday 18 May 2015

Latest update from KHPS & BiZoHa Project

Kasese Humanist Primary School opened its doors today for term 2, the turn up at both campuses was not bad and we do expect the number to increase steadily in the course of the week.
Its location being a semi urban, some of its children normally have their holidays in the village and do report in their town residences every time the school reopens, also others are hampered by domestic problems like waiting for fees clearance from their parents or guardians but normally we do give all students two weeks of grace before our school Bursar requests for fees from pupils.
On a related note, developing of the BiZoHa site is in high gear where right now the Dr Bruce Chou classroom is now being plastered, a metallic door plus 4 metallic windows are being made by our welder and soon the unit will be shuttered. The classroom is very spacious and can serve as a mini hall or classroom. It has got the capacity to sit 60 pupils.
The Andrea vogt Roadside Kiosk is also being plastered and soon its going to be roofed and shuttered. The Kiosk will serve several roles all aimed at making BiZoHa a self sustaining project as it will offer coffee & Tea services, Selling airtime, Fresh foods from the BiZoHa farm land, Arts and Crafts by locals and some pupil works of the KHPS Crafts and Creativity Club, serving food to Road users and there is a provision that a car wash facility will be put at this site to fetch some cash from those who want to get their cars cleaned.
We are also figuring out that huts will be erected on the property to shelter volunteers plus other tourists who may visit BiZoHa and a campaign is on to seek for well wishers to support us achieve this as well. A sample of the planned huts will resemble or take the shape of the hut below.
All in all, we thank all our generous supporters who have contributed towards transforming this place into something to serve hundreds of orphans plus the entire locals of Muhokya and Kahendero. Those who have not chipped in anything, I salute you as well; try to make this noble work get known to friends. The BiZoHa Project is a model project that showcases that people of non belief too cares for Orphans; we are also breaking the monopoly that religious people the world over are not alone in caring for orphans. Remember its our obligation to ensure that we make this world a better place for us all. Bwambale Robert, pictured below is working along other 3 active members of the Brighter Brains Institute in an effort to put in place an establishment targeting to make life better for Rwenzori Orphans.
His first innovation was the creation of Kasese United Humanist Association, Kasese Humanist Primary School is one of his successful project that is helping over 450 pupils with more than 100+ candidates now in secondary schools.
Yours in free thought, Bwambale Robert Musubaho BiZoHa Orphanage Director