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Thursday, 6 February 2025

Text books and learning resources courtesy of Uganda Humanist Schools Trust received

I have delivered learning resources to the Kahendero Humanist School, Muhokya humanist school and Rukoki Humanist School campuses courtesy of Uganda Humanist Schools Trust 

This charity has done great work in raising the profile of the Kasese Humanist School and Municipal High Humanist School in general. 

Attached are images of the book distribution exercise. 

On behalf of the school management,  we are so thankful for this donation and we are confident that the book resources will go a long way in boosting the academic standards of our school project. 

The instructional teaching resources are helping our teachers and learners access content taught in the classroom. 

With Science, we can progress

Muhokya school pupils  receive learning resources 

Book donation picture 

Kahendero school pictures 

Kahendero school pictures 

Kahendero school pictures 

Book shelving at Kahendero school 

Book shelving at Muhokya campus

Some of the donated books being shelved

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