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Monday 16 September 2024

Essential items offered to our needy children

Shopping done for most children under my care. The Kasese Humanist Orphans comprise of scores of vulnerable children,  lucky ones have sponsors,others don't have but I try as much ensure these children keep in school and try their luck in education. 

A sample of some of the items to dish out is below. Simple things but very essential to an average learner. 

Basic school items

assorted essential items


Education is the best weapon we can use to change the world. 

Alongside these items we also do offer medical attention in terms of first aid, school uniforms,  mattresses,  weddings like bedsheets, towels, shoes and clothes.

Nursery/primary school uniform 

Nursery/primary school sportswear 

All these are possible when financial resources are within our reach and on some occasions individual child sponsors do specifically send funds or gifts directly to their sponsored children  and we welcome this as well. 

You can donate to us via:

With Science, we can progress

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