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Monday, 31 July 2023

Facts on Humanism


Happy Humans of old boys & girls of Kasese humanist School 

  • HUMANISM is a philosophy of reason and science in the pursuit of knowledge. Its a philosophy for people who think for themselves. Some one who embraces Humanism is called a Humanist. He is guided by Humanist Principles, Values & Ethics in performing his or her day to day activities.

  • Humanist is some one who believes that Human beings have the potential to solve world problems themselves guided by reasoning and believe in things backed by evidence. Humanists believe in facts and reality rather than fiction, myths and allegories.

  • There exist different types of people with rational views and ideas who themselves don't subscribe to religious people but who are living good lives and contributing to the betterment of humanity, nature and well being and these are Humanists, Free thinkers, Atheists, Agnostics, Rationalists, Brights.

  • Humanists are identified by the Happy Human Symbol which means a Happy Human Being and it is shown below, The H symbol can be altered into any shape,color

Some key Humanist Moral Principles:

  • We should try to live by those values such as compassion, fairness and respect that have developed because human societies and groups cannot flourish without them.
  • Most of us can reason out right and wrong from the consequences of our actions,especially if we have sufficient information: we don't need god(s) to tell us how to lead good lives.
  • We should recognize that each society has evolved its own code of morality and laws,and that in most societies these will change as circumstances change.In Uganda that is why our country has a legislative and judiciary organ to ensure laws are set to guide society.
  • Our actions and laws should aim to promote well-being and happiness, and to prevent, avoid or decrease suffering and misery.
  • Everyone should be free to act as they wish so long as their actions do not harm others.
  • We should be sensitive to the living environment and to people different from ourselves.
  • We should in general follow the two-part Golden Rule and treat others as we would want them to treat us in their position;do not treat others in ways we would not want to be treated ourselves in their position.

What Humanists embrace:

  •  Thinking for ourselves
  •  Using evidence, experience and our reason to understand the world
  •  Living this one life well, working out meaning and purpose in life for ourselves
  • Making ourselves and others as happy as possible
  • Reducing unhappiness as far as possible

  • Promoting human rights and freedoms
  • Living cooperatively with people of other beliefs

What Humanists oppose:

  • The idea that you cannot have a meaningful life without belief in god(s)
  •  The idea that morality derives from religion or god(s)
  • Doctrines of belief (religious or not) and indoctrination into them
  • Privileges or special laws for religions or religious people
  •  Discrimination, human rights violations, and oppression

What Humanists do not embrace:

  •  A god or gods: supernatural beings intervening in the world and taking an interest

in human affairs

  • Other supernatural beings: ghosts, angels, fairies, goblins etc; and other

supernatural forces or events: karma, divine miracles etc.

  • An immortal soul and a life after death (in heaven, hell or in a reincarnated form)

The ten Humanist Principles for a Global Rational World:

1. DIGNITY: Proclaim the natural dignity and inherent worth of all human beings.

2. RESPECT: Respect the life and property of others.

3. TOLERANCE: Be tolerant of others belief and life styles

4. SHARING: Share with those who are less fortunate and assist those who are in need of help.

5. NO DOMINATION: Do not dominate through lies or otherwise.

6. NO SUPERSTITION: Rely on Reason, Logic and Science to understand the universe and to solve life's problems.

7. CONSERVATION: Conserve and improve the Earths natural environment.

8. NO WAR: Resolve differences and conflicts without resorting to war or violence.

9. DEMOCRACY: Rely on political and economic democracy to organize human affairs.

10. EDUCATION: Develop ones intelligence and talents through education and effort.

 Source: Rational world for Global Ethic by Rodrigue Tremblay

Humanism in Briefs as explained by American Humanist association

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