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Saturday 23 April 2011

End of Term One Report from the Head Teacher of Kasese Humanist Primary School

Kasese Humanist Primary School ended its first term on 21st April 2011 and the school is going to re-open on 23rd May 2011.
A school report written by the School Head Teacher can be downloaded from the school website at the link

 some of the students making some strokes during their free time on the last day at the closure of the school term.

some of the students resting on the veranda waiting for their school report files at the closure of first term, they posed for a photograph.
 Some children on the last day of term ending seen outside the school office and among them are needy orphaned children who are already enrolled in the school.
 Our teachers are shown in the photograph with files of reports awaiting to be given to the parents and guardians who turned up on 21st.April as the school closed.
Some of our parents are seen clearing with the school office which refers them to the teachers to issue out school report files to the parents.

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