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Tuesday 9 February 2010


kasese united humanist association(kuha) is devoted to spread humanism among people of kasese and its neighbourhoods.
Our organization is fully determined to promoting the humanist movement in Western Uganda.
Kuha’s identity is clearly described in our constitution. KUHA's main aim is to promote a freethinking vision of social, cultural and ethical values among young and old people of kasese area and western Uganda in general.We are more interested in a visionary world of sciences and free thinking.We highly respect REASONING by utilising the potential of using reasoning as a major tool in solving human problems thereby making life good and worthy living in total happiness forever.We are looking forward to having a community free from dogma and indoctrination
KUHA’s history
Kasese united humanist association was founded two years ago in April 2007. The initiative for starting KUHA was developed by Mr Bwambale Robert who is a biologist and a former student of Uganda Polytechnic Kyambogo now renamed Kyambogo University.He holds an Ordinary Diploma majoring in Biological Sciences plus a certificate in Human resource studies.
He initiated the association in the year 2007 under a name called kasese freethinkers union and in the year 2009 he got united with some colleagues hailing from kasese district area who had an interest in humanism and formed an association named Kasese United Humanist Association abbreviated as KUHA.
KUHA got registered in April 2009 and was registered by the Kasese Town Council plus Kasese District Development Network as a community based organisation.This gave us legitimacy to perform our duties in line with the operations of non profit,non governmental organisations.
Kasese united humanist association`s registration number is CBO/223
We are governed by a constitution and have got an Executive Board that is fully elected by the members.
Most of our members are students,working class citizens,peasants and un employed youths.

KUHA's beliefs
- Human beings possess the potential power to solve problems by reasoning which entirely involves use of the mind.
- Human beings are a part of nature; all forms of the supernatural are myth.
- Human beings have the capacity or strength to choose good over evil.
- Human beings attain good life by continuous self-development and determination to work and this can contribute to the welfare of the community.
- We believe in democratic procedures and procedures in government and we are take no sides in politics but prefers democrancy to prevail in our country.
-We believe in freedom of expression and civil liberties and we have got strong commitment to advocate for peoples rights and freedoms,we are against human rights violations and abuses by people.
- We respect Science discovery and technology and we strongly believe this can contribute to the betterment of human life on this planet plus other planets and galaxies.
- We believe in supporting the disadvantaged to help themselves enjoy their life,our target group are street children,orphans,widows, widowers,people from poor back grounds plus all other voice less people.
- We fully support existence and promotion of sciences in schools and its our hope that more students develop a strong love and ambition to do sciences in school as science presents better and reliable answers for humanity

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