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Wednesday 23 December 2009

Happy New year Wishes from Kasese united humanist association

As we say fare well to 2009 alot of things have happened in the year 2009.
On behalf of KUHA,we did register some achievements and set backs since we came into existence.
- We managed to have our organisation fully registered with the local authorities and this happened in the month of   June 2009.This gave us legitimancy and giving us chance to operate as a community based organisation.
- We embarked on mobilising members and though some of our members have had financial constraints in paying membership fees,we have registered a total of 33 members.
- We managed opening up a postal address that is going to act as our mailing address.
- Our association did benefit in our book mobilization campaigns and we got some book donations from the Sanfrancisco Atheists,Magazines from the International humanist and ethical union,some trial copies from the New Humanist magazine UK.We also yet to recieve books and magazines from Canada,USA,UK from some sympathisers.
- We did establish our office on Matebere road and did equip it with some simple furniture,Table,Chair plus some benches.
- Most of our people after understanding Humanism and what its all about including its principles,manifesto and its values have joined us and we are optimistic all will be okay with us in this struggle for a free mind and freethought in general and this has given people an alternative from the dogmatic and indoctrination world in existence here in Uganda.
Some challenges encountered:
- We failed to open up our association bank account but we plan it for early next year.
- Our Kuha Shelter needs to be equiped with more benches.
- More readable materials are still needed most especially books on local school subjects like Biology,Physics,Chemistry,Geography to mention but afew.
- We failed to go around local school and villages to spread information regarding humanism and freethought in general,we are interested in organising seminars,workshops etc under different themes on Human rights,Environmental matters,Humanism issues and Science based topics.
- We lack finances to spear head our activities as we are entirely relying on ourselves in sacrificing the little we get from our part time jobs just for the betterment of our organisation.We would grately be happy to get generous funders for some of our programs especially that concerning organisation of seminars in and around kasese area district.

We wish all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010,LETS BE OPTIMISTIC THAT THROUGH HARDWORK AND DETERMINATION we will be able to progress in our plans and future aspirations.Many thanks to all those people who have stood behind us in support of all we do in trying making this world a better place.